We embedded our philosophy in Global Equities strategy to the extent that the strategy is broader and more diversified than most of the available indices. The strategy holds on average 2,000 stocks over more than 24 markets with an average market cap higher than many of the other indices. At the inception of the strategy this was considered “boring” and might provide a low return hence the diversification. So far that was not the case!
The risk in losing money is rewarded with higher return compared to bonds
Value companies beat expensive.
Smaller companies beat larger ones.
High quality earning companies beat junky ones.
Winners keep winning, losers keep losing.
Maximise expected return by selecting stocks with the highest factor scores
Score each eligible security
Manage risk in line with the broad market, including sector & country weights
Relies on forecasting, timing and identifying mispricing in securities
Concentrated positions, strategies and risk
Constrained toward executing at market price
A process driven by stars
High management fees
Investment approach built from academic research and industry experience
A systematic, diversified approach that provides a consistent focus on higher returns
A design that provides flexibility and allows lowest trading execution
A unified investment process & philosophy
Low management fees for a higher return net of benchmark and fees
A strategy that simply tracks and index
No flexibility, continuously tied to an index, restricting which securities to hold and when to trade
Constrained toward executing on index rebalancing dates
A commercial index dictates the strategy
Low management fees for an index return gross of fees
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